Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Free Hundred Points if done correctly.

Outline the following Chapters: 12-20 in cornell note fashion. To gain credit one must use the subtitles of the chapters as questions and also explaining the vocab terms within the notes. This is all or nothing. 8 chapters completed by 1st day of class in the spring semester to receive credit.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

EPO and Aerobic Respiration

How does EPO aid an athlete in becoming an even better athlete in endurance sports. Connect the text between EPO and Aerobic Respiration. Secondly why did Lance according to the article stop taking EPO and begin to take HemiAssit. Finally how could taking this drug give Lance Armstrong a competitive advantage if he indeed took the drug, more importantly how did he benefit (include items such as money, publicity, and wins).

Monday, November 14, 2011

Enzyme-Controlled Reactions Virtual Lab

Enzyme Activity:
Perform the lab and write up a conclusion using the evidence from the data in which you are collecting. In order to use the graph you will have to enter your data on pH into the virtual data table. You can you use the data from the graph to explain your results as well. The graphs can also be printed out so if you want to print them and add them to your lab book you can. All Virtual Labs are due on Wednesday of this week no later. You can utilize my room as a site for completing the lab during lunch if necessary.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Eating by Osmosis
What is osmosis and discuss tonicity? Then use contextual evidence to identify evidence that correlates with the title of the article. Begin Reading Chapter 8

Monday, October 24, 2011

Asthma Treatment
How Is asthma treated and controlled? How can the lack of treatment of Asthma effect ones respiratory system as it relates to diffusion of gases.

Also make sure that read chapter 6 and know the organelles functions as well read chapter 7.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Due Due Friday: October 14. Identifying Contextual evidence to support this statement Find contextual Evidence that supports the statement as well as id the function of the Golgi Apparatus and bolded words. Researchers at Yale have discovered that, contrary to previous beliefs, the Golgi apparatus is an organelle that exists independently of the endoplasmic reticulum and is a crucial component of cell division.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Been gone but i'm back: Today's homework

Functional Group Assignment
Students will need to put a title on the front that is visible (functional groups). Secondly on the front of the flap student are to write the chemical symbol and on the back of that flap write the name of the group, draw the picture, and give common name and example of the group. On the adjacent flap they are to put the Functional Properties. On sheet two they are to make 4 flaps with the same expectations

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept 1 Assignment: Article Review: Official: Hungary's toxic sludge reaches the Danube River What is the purpose of the of the article. Identify 3 effects that the toxic sludge could have on the environment. Note you may have to do some additional research in order to explain your effects so remember to add those sources as a bibliography. This article review will be do on Wednesday of next week. Do not forget about your AP Study Guides as well the quiz we will be taking on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Assignment on Last Friday

We reviewed Lewis Dot Structures on last Friday. Here is the Assignment please copy and past to word document and print off. Remember you are responsible young adults and you are responsible for your education as well:

Yet More Lewis Structures

For those of you that enjoy such things, some more Lewis structures to draw:

1)         BSF

2)         HBr

3)         C25OH (ethanol)

4)         N2F4

5)         SF6

Monday, August 22, 2011

Understanding Free Radicals and Antioxidants

Respond to the following article:
what am i looking for: Intro: what are free radicals and how are they formed, what is an antioxidant
secondly what are some effects of free radicals on the body. Furthermore what is the purpose of an antioxidant and how do they attact free radicals. Why is this article relevant to what we are studying at this moment: elements and compounds and why is your health important.
I will be looking for responses to this article to be detailed and specific. Use the article as a reference but fill free to look for other relevant sources of documentation. If you choose to use other documentation please site where the information comes from (If you plagerize and do not give credit you will receive a zero). I have my ways of checking. This is a Summative Grade which will count. Make it a good one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Today's Assignment

Key Words over section 2.2 and Chp 2 and 3 Reading guide was given today. Be prepared for a quiz Monday.
                                                                    Key Word Notes











Next Assignment:

Name __________________________________ Period _________
Ms. Foglia Date ______________________
1 of 3
1. What are the most common elements in the human?
2. Helium has an atomic number of 2 and atomic mass of 4. Explain.
3. Define isotope and give some examples.
4. How are isotopes used in biology?
5. What happens when electrons change levels?
Name __________________________________ Period _________
Ms. Foglia Date ______________________
2 of 3
6. What is the significance of valence numbers?
7. Why do atoms form covalent vs. ionic bonds?
8. How do non-polar covalent bonds differ from polar covalent bonds?
9. What is a hydrogen bond? How does it form and how is it different from a covalent bond?
10. Sketch a few molecules of water, indicate their polarity, and where H bonds form.
Name __________________________________ Period _________
Ms. Foglia Date ______________________
3 of 3
11. Why is H bonding so important to water’s properties?
12. List the “special” properties of water and give an example of why the property may be
important to living things.
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

8/16/2011 Today's Assignment::
Write an reaction paper to this article. The response should consist of the following: The purpose or main idea of paper, how could this be avoided, what was the author trying to say, why is safety in lab important, and finally an conclusion